Hello @KK and couchers.
I'm confused as to why my page links aren't coming through this dropdown. Inside my Snippets directory I have
NOTE: For troubleshooting, I had the dropdown show me the link (as opposed to title) just so I can visually see it's 'link' output - see the attached images for the results
Inside my index.php template tags inside repeatable tags I have this dropdown:
My problem is that while the dropdown iterates through each page, it can tell me the title, the name, etc, but when it comes to showing k_page_link, it's not showing the page's link. I've uploaded some screen shots that show that no page links show up, but that it is indeed pulling the page titles.
I think there's something wrong with the coding because whenever I choose an anchor as the selection from this same dropdown, everything saves and works fine - upon clicking the button the navigation takes me to the correct section of the page. But whenever I choose a one of the 'pairing' cloned pages, after I save the admin page the dropdown field shows that it has changed to the very last one (pairing 1).
Is there an inherent block in being able to see k_page_link under the pages tag for a template when using this process for a template dropdown?
I'm confused as to why my page links aren't coming through this dropdown. Inside my Snippets directory I have
- Code: Select all
Please Select=-
|Place Deposit Section=#deposit
|Pairing Section=#pairing
|Daily Video Section=#daily_vid
|Photo Gallery Section=#gallery
|Contact Section=#contact
<cms:pages masterpage="pairing.php" >
| <cms:show k_page_title />=<cms:show k_page_link />
NOTE: For troubleshooting, I had the dropdown show me the link (as opposed to title) just so I can visually see it's 'link' output - see the attached images for the results
Inside my index.php template tags inside repeatable tags I have this dropdown:
- Code: Select all
<cms:editable type='dropdown' name="hm_sld_c2a_btn_lnk_rpt" label="c2a Button Link"
My problem is that while the dropdown iterates through each page, it can tell me the title, the name, etc, but when it comes to showing k_page_link, it's not showing the page's link. I've uploaded some screen shots that show that no page links show up, but that it is indeed pulling the page titles.
I think there's something wrong with the coding because whenever I choose an anchor as the selection from this same dropdown, everything saves and works fine - upon clicking the button the navigation takes me to the correct section of the page. But whenever I choose a one of the 'pairing' cloned pages, after I save the admin page the dropdown field shows that it has changed to the very last one (pairing 1).
Is there an inherent block in being able to see k_page_link under the pages tag for a template when using this process for a template dropdown?