Is there an easy way of being able to re-order the fields as they're displayed in the couch admin?
My code looks like this:
Which, ideally, is the order I'd like the items to show in the admin - but because the main_sidebar was added in after the others, is currently shown at the bottom of the admin screen.
My code looks like this:
- Code: Select all
<cms:template title='Home'>
<cms:editable name="main_content" type="richtext" label="Main Content" />
<cms:editable name="main_sidebar" type="richtext" label="Main Sidebar"/>
<cms:repeatable name='hero_slider' label="Hero Slider" >
<cms:editable type='image' name='slider_image' label='Slider Image (700x277)' />
<cms:editable type='text' name='slider_description' label='Slider Description' />
<cms:editable name="hero_content" type="richtext" label="Hero Content" />
<cms:editable name="footer01" type="text" label="Footer" />
Which, ideally, is the order I'd like the items to show in the admin - but because the main_sidebar was added in after the others, is currently shown at the bottom of the admin screen.