Many people want their website to power their site's root (e.g. but they don't want all of the files cluttering up their root directory.

There are a couple of major advantages I see to installing a Couch website in a subdirectory:

1. It keeps your web root folder neat and tidy. If the needs of your website are anything like this one you’ll want the freedom and flexibility to introduce other web applications into the mix without making a big mess of your file structure. Putting the Couch website in its own folder tucks almost all of the files associated with it away in a simple and clear location.

2. It makes it easy to add an additional layer of security to your admin directory. The security bonus is accomplished by renaming your website subfolder to something that is hard to guess, making it more difficult to hack into.

It would be great if this option can be added in future releases of Couch.