When building the menu using nested_pages, it would be great to be able to know the access level of the current menu item. If that variable would be available, I can build up a menu while taking the access level of the currently logged in user into account.
The new variable name would be for instance: k_menu_access_level.
I can match it against k_user_access_level.
For instance:
Please consider adding this to Couch CMS.
The new variable name would be for instance: k_menu_access_level.
I can match it against k_user_access_level.
For instance:
- Code: Select all
<cms:nested_pages masterpage='index.php' extended_info='1' >
<cms:if k_user_access_level ge k_menu_access_level >
<a class="nav-link" href="<cms:show k_menu_link />">
<cms:show k_menu_title /><span class="sr-only"> (current)</span>
Please consider adding this to Couch CMS.