Do you have some feature in mind that you'd love to see in Couch? Let us know.
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Hi folks,

After going through several CMS', CouchCMS was one of the very few CMS' that allowed the flexibility I required. So I am glad to settle with CouchCMS. :)

I was hoping that native multilingual support could be provided in a future release. I am currently in charge of creating a website with sixteen (16) different languages. I have been reading forum after forum and taking in KK's advice (viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9859 and viewtopic.php?f=8&t=74) little by little.

If native multilingual support cannot be provided or is not planned, is there a knowledge base for an 'official yet unofficial' guide to implementing a large multi language site?

Warmest regards,
Eddie K.
Hi Eddie :)

For now all that Couch has to offer for a multi-lingual setup is what is discussed at viewtopic.php?p=330#p330

Of the three methods described in the mentioned post, consensus seems to have emerged that the 'folder' method is the best (this includes SEO consideration etc.).

I'd suggest you please use that too.
Do also please take a look at the following post that makes it easier to work with the method -

Hope it helps.
Managing issue can be alleviated a lot if you create front-end pages to administer languages with databound forms. So, less thinking about comfortable appearance in backend and make your editors/translators have a simple login system to the page with comfortable environment for work. What I'm talking about is to don't waste time organizing neatly in backend and focus on best experience for operators instead.
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