Hey guys. My profile page uses index.php (k_user_template) as a template, which has the following line:
Here is the code I use on profile.php
And then to embed the comments on the profile page I just copied the following off the tutorial:
Could anyone help me figure out why the page is not commentable? I have visited as super admin several times, and it still doesn't work. Thank you.
- Code: Select all
<cms:template clonable='1' commentable='1' title='Users' hidden='1'>
Here is the code I use on profile.php
- Code: Select all
And then to embed the comments on the profile page I just copied the following off the tutorial:
- Code: Select all
<cms:if k_is_commentable >
<div class="comment-form" >
<h3>Post a comment</h3>
<cms:form method="post" class="k_form">
<cms:if k_success >
<cms:process_comment />
<cms:if k_process_comment_success>
<cms:send_mail from=k_email_from to=k_email_to subject='Comment posted'>
The following comment has been posted at your site:
<cms:show k_success />
<div class="k_successmessage">
Thank you for the feed back! <br>
Your comment awaits moderation and will be published as soon as reviewed by the Admin.
<cms:else />
<div class="k_errormessage">
Could not post comment! <br>
The following error occured while processing your comment:<br>
<cms:show k_process_comment_error />
<cms:else />
<cms:if k_error >
<div class="k_errormessage">
<h2>Fields incomplete!</h2>
<cms:each k_error >
<li><cms:show item /></li>
<cms:if k_logged_out >
<p class="comment-input">
<cms:input type="text" name="k_author" size="22" tabindex="1" required="1"/>
<label for="author"><small>Name *</small></label>
<p class="comment-input">
<cms:input type="text" name="k_email" size="22" tabindex="2" validator="email" required="1"/>
<label for="email"><small>Email * (will not be published)</small></label>
<p class="comment-input">
<cms:input type="text" name="k_link" value="http://" size="22" tabindex="3" />
<label for="link"><small>Website</small></label>
<cms:else />
Logged in as <b><cms:show k_user_title /></b>.
<a href="<cms:show k_logout_link />" onclick="if( confirm('Are you sure you want to logout?') ) { return true; } return false;">Logout »</a>
<p class="comment-input">
<cms:input type="textarea" name="k_comment" style="width:93%" rows="10" cols="10" tabindex="4"
validator_msg="required=Please enter something as comment"
required="1" />
You can use the following HTML tags: <a><br><strong><b><em><i><blockquote><code><ul><ol><li><del>
<cms:if k_logged_out >
<p class="comment-input">
<label for="captcha"><small>Please enter this word in the textbox below</small></label><br>
<cms:input type="captcha" name="captcha" format='i-r-t' />
<cms:input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit"/>
Could anyone help me figure out why the page is not commentable? I have visited as super admin several times, and it still doesn't work. Thank you.