I understand how nested pages work and have it working in my cmsdemo but one thing does confuse me and not 100% sure how to go about it

Say for example a client wants to create pages to their website themselves, that's fine as use nested pages but majority of the time the home(index.php) page design is different design/layout from the other pages so if the client creates a new page, it will be the same design/layout as the home page. I know about masquerading so it can point to page.php for example when creating the new page but would the page be called page.php in the url or would it be called the name of the title they put in when creating a new page?

Update: I have worked out the bit about the page.php as with pretty seo urls enabled, it will show the title name instead of page.php if I am right.

for example earlier today, a client wanted to add pages to their portfolio so the structure would be below

Portfolio->Page A
Portfolio ->Page B
Portfolio->Page C

On the portfolio pages would be a gallery so the client can upload multiple images to create a gallery

It's the nested pages/create new pages with different design/layout is where I get confused as other pages will be different design/layout and also keep the url structure as http://www.domain.co.uk, http://www.domain.co.uk/page-a, http://www.domain.co.uk/page-b and so on

Hopefully that all makes sense

The way I got round it was earlier was not creating nested page but created portfolio.php and made it using folders so they could create the different albums and then upload the images in the relative album/folder and use snippets so would have the album/folder page design/layout and then the design/layout for all the images using the following code

Code: Select all
<cms:if k_is_folder >
<cms:embed 'portfolio-images.html' />
<cms:if k_is_list >
<cms:embed 'portfolio-list.html' />

I have been quite a bit of time looking on the forums/Google for a answer and found the link viewtopic.php?f=4&t=8470#p15919 which does sound like it is possible so when the user creates a page, they can choose what layout they want so thinking they can choose the layout/design for the home page or choose the layout/design for another page using the dropdown

Just want to confirm a couple of things, the following code goes in the index,php file within the couchcms template tags?

Code: Select all
    label='Select layout for page'
    opt_values='No Sidebars | Left Sidebar | Right Sidebar'
    opt_selected = 'Left Sidebar'

does the following code go in the index.php file?

Code: Select all
<cms:if my_layout='Left Sidebar'>
    .. put HTML here directly or via cms:embed ..

<cms:if my_layout='Right Sidebar'>
    .. put HTML here directly or via cms:embed ..

<cms:if my_layout='No Sidebars'>
    .. put HTML here directly or via cms:embed ..

Update: Sorry think I found the answer to my own question as just found the following link: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9704#p21761