
I searched, but couldn't find an advise... Sorry if there was some, but I simply missed it.

I have code like this:

Code: Select all
<h3><span class="small-head"><cms:editable name='mission_statement' type='richtext'><b>textxtxtxtxtxtxtx:</b> <br><br>textxtxtxtxtxtxtx<br>textxtxtxtxtxtxtx<br>textxtxtxtxtxtxtx</cms:editable><img class="more-info" src="https://img.icons8.com/windows/32/000000/about.png"></span></h3>

The problem is, that when using couchcms tags, the icon from icons8 appears on the next row instead on the same.
I tried to force it to stay on same row together with the last text fragment with nowrap and display: inline both in the html and css, but couldn't make the icon stay on the same line.

Could you please advise how may I have the icon on the same row?


Solved - the icon shows in the admin when entered in the span tag.
It didn't appear in the beginning, but after refresh or two it is shown and can be manipulated to stay on the same line.